„I am very satisfied with the effective and communicative teaching method of Centrum Języka Polskiego . They have also courses tailor-made to my needs, and I can fully recommend them.”
Jon, Finland
„My teacher is always well prepared and focuses exactly on what I need to work on – speaking, grammar and vocabulary taken from articles we read in the Polish press. She also gives me weekly and quarterly quizzes to make sure I’m retaining the material we’ve already covered. I’m very satisfied with Centrum Języka Polskiego.”
Michael, England
“…Le contenu de chaque cours est varié, entre apprentissage grammatical, enrichissement du vocabulaire, et conversation. Ces cours m’ont permis d’atteindre un niveau tout a fait conforme a ce dont j’avais besoin, pour ma vie de tous les jours comme pour ma vie professionelle. La qualité des cours n’y tient pas qu’a leur contenu : il tient aussi a la façon dont ils sont animé… Aussi, la perspective d’avoir un cours dans la journée reste un plaisir pour moi – malgré la complexité de la langue polonaise, et malgré la difficulté qu’il y a a s’abstraire de sa journée de travail pour prendre un cours de langue…”
Luc, France
“Studying at the Centrum Języka Polskiego was one of the best experiences I took on during my stay in Warsaw. The classes were full of other interesting people from all over the world coming together to learn Polish. The classes went very smoothly thanks to the extremely dedicated and sociable teachers at the school. Following only one full beginners course all the students in the class came out with enough Polish to maintain basic conversations and make living in Poland a far easier and more enjoyable experience. I cannot recommend the school or the professors highly enough. Dziękuję bardzo!”
Ruairi, Finland
„I am a slow learner when it comes to languages, so I appreciate that my Centrum Jêzyka Polskiego teacher has lots of patience. She is also very flexible which is important to me as I work full-time. I’ve gained confidence from some real-life shopping lessons.”
Judy, USA